My Image

Renzmel Monis


Hi! I am Renzmel Monis 👨‍🎓

I am from ICT 11 - A. I'm 16 as of September 2023. My birthdate is December 8, 2006. I use He/him pronouns . I do photography, biking, programming, and playing instruments in my free time. I have a 6 years of experience with a table lyre, and 2 years of experience with programming in Python.

Second Pic


These are one of my best achievements from before and during my time in Grade 11.


Graduated Elementary

Graduted Elementary in Gawaran Elementary School as a Honor student.

Junior High

Graduated Junior Highschool

Graduted Junior Highschool in BNHS - Gawaran Annex as a consistent honor student.

Discord Bot

P.B Discord Bot

Made a discord bot that has a source code that can be read professionally. It has been so far the best project I've ever made.

Family Pic


Our Family consists of 5 people. Me, my sister, my older sister, my mom, and finally my dad. Unfortunately, my father can't join our family pictures as he is working abroad. But, we still talk through calls.

In our family standing, I am the youngest, I am the most naughtly child in our family. Next is my sister at the outer left side, She is the middle child and is the most serious among us. Followed by my older sister, the one wearing the green graduation clothes. She is the oldest and very social. She gives color to the family. Then, my mom beside me takes care of our house and takes care of us. Finally, my father, He works in abroad since I was a child to provide money for our future.

About this

This is a website for our project in first sem. This is about making a personal website.
This is a project of ICT Programming in San Nicolas III